Our Youngest Fundraisers Ever!

Our donors are truly amazing.  Occasionally, we have a donor (or group of donors) who are so extraordinary that we have to share the story with you.  This is one of those times...

Near the end of 2014, we were blessed to be visited by Drs. Dustin and Angela Larson.  Angela is a family practitioner and Dustin is an orthopedic surgeon.  The two of them worked tirelessly alongside our national and missionary staff here in Soddo.  But that's not all.  On the other side of the ocean, Dustin's brother Loren and his four kids back in the USA were following the details of their trip.

Loren Larson is an orthopedic surgeon also, so naturally the kids are interested in medical things.  They saw pictures and heard stories of the patients and their injuries at Soddo Christian Hospital.  They were moved by the plight of the Soddo patients.  Their oldest, Lauren (age 11) came up with the idea to start a fundraiser.  She said, let's sell brownies (which the kids themselves made) and hot cocoa to the neighbors from a stand in front of our house!

The siblings banded together and opened their store, and raised $31 USD!  All on their own, with no adults.

Naturally, when we heard about this at Soddo Christian Hospital, we had to share it with you.  The beauty is that even $31 can save a life in Soddo.  That's enough to pay for someone's hospitalization, or to have their lab tests and x-rays done.  No contribution is too small!  And these kids saved someone's life by just taking initiative.  We were so encouraged to see that God can stir even the very young to join us in the work here.

Won't you be a part, too?  St.art a fundraiser today, and save lives here in Ethiopia...

The Larson kids raising money for Soddo

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