We are so energized by our donors and volunteers. We have folks who are giving financially to the hospital. And we have folks who come and serve at the hospital. So naturally, we would be excited about a family who has decided to do BOTH!
Meet Claire Gahm. She’s a fourth-year medical student at the Medical School for International Health in Beeraheva, Israel. Her medical school is a partnership with Columbia University. It’s actually an American-style medical school that focuses on cross-cultural and global opportunities for the students. Claire came to Soddo for her 2 month international rotation, and is loving it. She’s thrown herself in completely – working the ER, assisting in surgeries, and helping out with just about everything.

Now, meet Claire’s parents. Her dad is a medical doctor and her mom, a physician’s assistant. They’ve always been supportive of the their daughter’s mission efforts, and Soddo Christian Hospital is no different. When Greg and Laurie Gahm began researching where their daughter was working, they wanted to be a part. They instantly joined our “100 for 100” campaign, and became faithful supporters of the hospital!
Raising their kids to be men and women after God’s own heart, the Gahms enthusiastically support the places they go to serve and be the hands and feet of Jesus. When we asked Greg about it, he said, “As I speak to Claire about Soddo, I am reminded how our Lord withdrew from the crowds to go to places of refreshment for prayer with His Father. I feel Soddo is such a place. Because of the ‘ work’ that is done there, it is a place of refreshment for all the staff as well as for those in Ethiopia.”
We think so too, Greg. God bless your family, and thanks for all you do for Soddo Christian Hospital!